Starting unfold toolbox.
Adding subfolders and other toolboxes to path...
Plotting Single-Trial ERPimages
% We simulate data with a stimulus onset of two types + a buttonpress
EEG = tutorial_simulate_data('erpimage');
eeg_checkset note: upper time limit (xmax) adjusted so (xmax-xmin)*srate+1 = number of frames
Event resorted by increasing latencies.
This design has Stimulus and Buttonpress. The stimulus has two levels: face and house. There is only overlap between stimulus and buttonpress, but not between buttonpress and subsequent stimulus..
cfgDesign.eventtypes = {'stimulus','buttonpress'};
cfgDesign.formula = {'y ~ 1+ cat(stimulusType)','y~1'};
EEG = uf_designmat(EEG,cfgDesign);
Multiple events with separate model-formula detected
Modeling 185 event(s) of [stimulus] using formula: y~1+stimulusType
Modeling 185 event(s) of [buttonpress] using formula: y~1
cfgTimeexpand.timelimits = [-.3,1.5];
EEG = uf_timeexpandDesignmat(EEG,cfgTimeexpand);
uf_timeexpandDesignmat(): Timeexpanding the designmatrix...
EEG= uf_glmfit(EEG);
uf_glmfit(): Fitting deconvolution model...solving the equation system
solving electrode 1 (of 1 electrodes in total)... 30 iterations, took 0.0s
LMfit finished
After fitting the EEG, we can visualize the ERPimages
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event , 370 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 370 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
100.00% of the trials (i.e., 370 out of 370) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 370, 25th ptile: 370, Median: 370, 75th ptile: 370, Max: 370
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-2.35367,2.35367].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 361 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 366.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
By default the erpimage is not sorted and the plot is depicting the overlap-corrected estimate.
to increase legibility, I am going to introduce some plotting options to each plot by constructing a cell-array suitable to pass to each of the following erpimages
cfg.figure = 1
cfg =
channel: 1
figure: 1
cfg.caxis = [-5,5]
cfg =
channel: 1
figure: 1
caxis: [-5 5]
cfg.alignto = 'stimulus'
cfg =
channel: 1
figure: 1
caxis: [-5 5]
alignto: 'stimulus'
cfg = [fieldnames(cfg),struct2cell(cfg)].';
ans =
{'channel' }
{[ 1]}
{'figure' }
{[ 1]}
{'caxis' }
{1×2 double}
{'alignto' }
Raw ERPimage
We can also look at the raw ERPimage. This is the same as running eeg_erpimage on your typical epoched data. As you can see, compared to the overlap-corrected model-estimate, we have much more noise included here.
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event stimulus forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
100.00% of the trials (i.e., 185 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 185, 25th ptile: 185, Median: 185, 75th ptile: 185, Max: 185
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Sorting trials by condition
Now we can start sorting trials by condition, for instance here by stimulus type.
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event stimulus forwards by field stimulusType
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
100.00% of the trials (i.e., 185 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 90, 25th ptile: 90, Median: 93, 75th ptile: 95, Max: 95
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
We directly see, that one condition seems to have a smaller effect than the other (based on the "P2" at 200ms. But towards the end of the epoch there is another interesting pattern. Let's investigate this further. We switch back the type to modelled in order to see what the overlap contributes to this pattern.
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event stimulus forwards by field stimulusType
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
100.00% of the trials (i.e., 185 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 90, 25th ptile: 90, Median: 93, 75th ptile: 95, Max: 95
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Interesting, only the first two peaks seem to be associated with the stimulus. Where do the later peaks come from?
Sorting trials by event
Let's sort by the next trial onset. For this we have to specify sort_time to sort by something larger than 0.
uf_erpimage(EEG,'type','raw','sort_time',[eps 1.5],'sort_alignto',{'buttonpress'},cfg{:})
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event buttonpress forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
85.41% of the trials (i.e., 158 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 0, 25th ptile: 0, Median: 2, 75th ptile: 4, Max: 7
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Aha! There buttonpress event elicits a clear timelocked analysis.
Sorting trials by event AND condition
It is not straight forward to sort by two different sorting-criterions (here latency of following event and condition). Thus we split up the plot based on the condition at the "0" event.
uf_erpimage(EEG,'type','raw','sort_time',[eps 1.5],'sort_alignto',{'buttonpress'},'split_by','stimulusType',cfg{:})
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event buttonpress forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 90 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
66.67% of the trials (i.e., 60 out of 90) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 0, 25th ptile: 0, Median: 0, 75th ptile: 2, Max: 4
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 81 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 86.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Plotting input data as 95 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
67.37% of the trials (i.e., 64 out of 95) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 0, 25th ptile: 0, Median: 0, 75th ptile: 2, Max: 5
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 86 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 91.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
uf_erpimage(EEG,'type','modelled','sort_time',[eps 1.5],'sort_alignto',{'buttonpress'},'split_by','stimulusType',cfg{:})
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event buttonpress forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 90 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
66.67% of the trials (i.e., 60 out of 90) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 0, 25th ptile: 0, Median: 0, 75th ptile: 2, Max: 4
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 81 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 86.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Plotting input data as 95 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
67.37% of the trials (i.e., 64 out of 95) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 0, 25th ptile: 0, Median: 0, 75th ptile: 2, Max: 5
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 86 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 91.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Plotting modelled-data with and without overlap
We can reintroduce overlap that we modelled, by a flag here. Thus overlap=1 reflects
, the complete modelled signal, whereas overlap=0 reflects the modelled signal, to a single event only uf_erpimage(EEG,'overlap',0,cfg{:})
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event stimulus forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
100.00% of the trials (i.e., 185 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 185, 25th ptile: 185, Median: 185, 75th ptile: 185, Max: 185
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (1) does not match the number of channels (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event stimulus forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
100.00% of the trials (i.e., 185 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 185, 25th ptile: 185, Median: 185, 75th ptile: 185, Max: 185
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Looking at residuals
Like in any regression, it is possible to look at the residuals.
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (1) does not match the number of channels (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
adding residuals
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (1) does not match the number of channels (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event stimulus forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
100.00% of the trials (i.e., 185 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 185, 25th ptile: 185, Median: 185, 75th ptile: 185, Max: 185
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
In this case, nothing really remains because we modelled everything that we simulated.
Note it is also to look at the residuals with overlap=0. These would be the residuals of taking type=raw minus type=modelled without modelling the overlap in the latter. Thus all other events (or overlap with the same event-type) is not modeled
Adding residuals
What is sometimes a useful thing to do, is add the residuals based on the full model
back to the modelled, but overlap corrected results. This gives a better single-trial-noise feeling. Note that by default the overlap=1 residuals are added back. uf_erpimage(EEG,'type','modelled','addResiduals',1,cfg{:})
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
adding residuals
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (1) does not match the number of channels (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event stimulus forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
100.00% of the trials (i.e., 185 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 185, 25th ptile: 185, Median: 185, 75th ptile: 185, Max: 185
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Keep & Remove / Partial Models
It is sometimes helpful to remove modelled events and/or remove effects. I.e. to simulate "what would it look like without" or to separate events better.
Thus we can look at what the buttonpress isolated looks like, when epoched to the stimulus
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Keeping the following predictors:
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (1) does not match the number of channels (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
adding residuals
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (1) does not match the number of channels (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event buttonpress forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
85.41% of the trials (i.e., 158 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 0, 25th ptile: 0, Median: 2, 75th ptile: 4, Max: 7
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Remove works similar but opposite. So we can remove the buttonpress event:
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Removing the following predictors:
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (1) does not match the number of channels (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
adding residuals
pop_epoch():370 epochs selected
pop_epoch():370 epochs generated
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (1) does not match the number of channels (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: event field format 'stimulusType' made uniform
pop_epoch(): checking epochs for data discontinuity
Recalculating the EEG_epoch field using eeg_checkset, might take some time
Aligning erpimage to event stimulus, 185 epochs found
Sorting erpimage from event buttonpress forwards by field latency
Plotting input data as 185 epochs of 360 frames sampled at 200.0 Hz.
Sorting data on input sortvar.
85.41% of the trials (i.e., 158 out of 185) have the same sortvar value as at least one other trial.
Distribution of number ties per unique value of sortvar:
Min: 0, 25th ptile: 0, Median: 2, 75th ptile: 4, Max: 7
Smoothing the sorted epochs with a 10-epoch moving window.
and a decimation factor of 1
Using the specified caxis range of [-5,5].
Data will be plotted between -300 and 1495 ms.
Output data will be 360 frames by 176 smoothed trials.
Outtrials: 6.00 to 181.00
Overplotting sorted sortvar on data.
Which, in this case, would be identical to plotting the modelled+residual activity of the stimulus event